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Frequently Asked Questions

Quizzes: Creation

Why would I create a FunTrivia quiz?
    Everything on FunTrivia revolves around our fantastic quiz system.

    Over the last 20 years, over 150,000 quizzes have been submitted and accepted, and we look forward to adding many more fine creations in the future.

    By creating a quiz you can learn a lot, teach a lot, meet new friends, stumble upon other players with similar interests, and get the satisfaction of creating something that thousands of people around the world will enjoy.

    In addition, being a quiz author has some wonderful perks:

    1. You earn 2000 points per quiz that gets accepted.
    2. You become eligible to complete a large number of challenges and earn a lot of badges.
    3. You will get to meet some fantastic people in our authoring community.
    4. You will brush up on your English language skills and other communication skills that are incredibly useful (and valuable!) in the outside world.

Is it difficult to author a quiz?
    No, the process is quite simple. However, it will take a little time and some effort on your part.

    Not only does FunTrivia have a lot of quizzes, but we pride ourselves on having GOOD, quality quizzes. We expect all submissions to be written in well-formed, accurately spelled English. Please attempt to write a quiz only if you have a good handle on the English language, otherwise you will likely find the process frustrating.

    FunTrivia visitors come here to have fun and authors write quizzes to also have fun. Play with your favorite topic, tackle it from a new angle, think of new, interesting ways to present it. Anyone can whip up a half-baked quiz, but we challenge you to craft a trivia work of art. Take your time, create your questions carefully, and submit only when you are proud of your creation!

What are the requirements to create my first quiz?
    1. All new quiz authors must complete the "Quiziversity" new-player challenge, located here:

    Quiziversity Mini Challenge

    This challenge will introduce you to some basics of our quiz creation system, and give you an idea of what to expect.

    2. All new quiz authors must play at least 20 quizzes on our site. You can view how many quizzes you have played by checking your profile.

    This is so that you can get a feel for what type of quizzes we allow, how they are formatted, what "interesting information" is all about, etc. As you play quizzes, take note of what you like and don't like about those that you play.

    Once these two conditions are met you can create your first quiz. Click "Create Quiz" from Author Central. Good luck!

Why can't I copy text from other websites in quizzes?
    Funtrivia takes the issue of plagiarism very seriously.

    Why? First, it's illegal. Next, it's immoral.

    Imagine if you went to a lot of work to create a FunTrivia quiz and suddenly another website stole it from FunTrivia and some guy named Freddy claimed that it was his own? You'd be rightly angry! It's just wrong to copy the work of other people and call it your own.

    We do not allow content to be copied and pasted from any source, INCLUDING websites such as wikipedia that do have liberal copyright arrangements. The reason is that there is no guarantee that Wikipedia's content is original or plagiarism-free. If someone copied your quiz into Wikipedia and then another website used it because it was in Wikipedia that does not make it okay!

    What you need to do is write every single word in your quiz yourself. By all means you may use sources such as Wikipedia to get or verify information in the course of researching your quiz, but you must put what you learn in your own words.

    Plagiarism is the number one reason that authors lose their quiz authoring abilities on FunTrivia. Please avoid this fate!

When will my quiz go online? How long must I wait?
    When a player submits a quiz for editor review, it enters a queue. The time for our editors to reach your quiz may be anywhere from a few hours up to a couple of weeks, depending on the number of quizzes that are currently in the queue.

    To ensure that your quiz has been submitted, enter the "Author Central", and click on "Works in Progress". If the status of your quiz is "Awaiting Editor Approval", then it is safely in a quiz queue. The editors WILL get to it. Note that editing a quiz that you have submitted will place it back at the end of the queue.

    Please do not send editors, the webmaster, or anyone else questions regarding when your quiz will be dealt with. It will be dealt with when our editors get to it. Don't worry -- it can't get lost!

    One tip: if you have a history of submitting poor quality quizzes, the editors may give subsequent quizzes that you submit lower priority. Avoid this by ensuring that you check over your quizzes carefully before submission!

When will my quiz be ranked?
    A quiz is ranked when the following requirements are met:

    • The quiz has been played by at least 30 players.
    • At least 20 players have given the quiz a "1 to 5" rating.
    • The ratings have been made by different people, on different IP addresses. This is to stop players from creating multiple accounts and rating their own quizzes.
    • Rankings occur once per week.

What happens when an editor requires changes I can't or do not want to make?
    We understand that, rarely, you might receive an editor feedback that lets your quiz attempt feel unsalvageable - you might feel you don't know enough to make the requested changes, can't come up with suitable replacements for questions that don't work or just don't feel like the modifications requested would let you do what you intended to do (such as if you tried a special format).

    When this happens, however, do not delete or repurpose the quiz on your own volition! This just wastes both your time and that of the editor.

    Instead, contact your editor by direct message and let them know about your dilemma. It'll be very helpful if you state just why you can't complete the quiz as intended. We're willing to come up with additional help, discuss a format that lets you keep your style, or, ultimately, agree that it is indeed better to abandon the attempt instead of having a lengthy exchange with an outcome no one is really happy with. Even if you abandon the quiz, there might still be some material worth submitting as single questions, so this can also be a solution.

    Like in all authoring matters, we are trying to always cooperate and our end goal is to release a work that both you and we are happy to see listed.

    Note that the above only applies to a quiz / crossword you have submitted and received editor feedback on. If you have never submitted your quiz or withdrawn it before an editor looked at it, you are free to make any change you want, including a deletion or a complete rebuild. However, before you delete or overwrite anything, we recommend you give a few moments of thought to see if you can repurpose some of the work as single questions - it would be a pity to throw away something good, wouldn't it?

An editor is being rude / mean / picky. Help!
    Editors and authors are a team - not enemies!

    Our volunteer editors are chosen both for their contributions and for their ability to work well with authors. We have absolute confidence in all of our editors.

    Please don't take "rejections" from editors personally. About 80% of all submissions received are returned by editors for corrections and modifications. This is not because editors dislike authors -- it's because players want to play quality quizzes and WE want to do what we can to create them.

    Please do not ignore notes from editors. You are working together as a team, not against one another!

    By the way, every single one of our editors is a volunteer player, who started out as an author like yourself. They spend their free time editing your quizzes, so please keep that in mind when you deal with them. They have dedicated a lot of time to better this site and improve everyone's experience.

    Please also note that all our editors work on the same standards, so we change editors on a quiz only in very rare exceptions such as prolonged absences.

Can I use my FunTrivia quizzes on other websites or in books?
    When you submit a quiz to FunTrivia, you give us exclusive rights to use it. That means that by default, you may not post your quiz elsewhere. That said, you may contact us (Services: Contact Us) for permission to use your creations elsewhere, and we will almost certainly agree. We just need to know that you'd like to use them elsewhere so that we can keep track of who is legitimately using content and who is not.

Suspended from writing quizzes.
    enter text here

Other quiz writing questions ..
    All feedback and any other questions related to writing quizzes should be posted in the "Ask an Editor" and "Author Lounge" sections of the author area:


    Please post your question there after checking first to make sure that the question has not already been asked and answered.